Today is the last day before permanent closing of my old blog. 3 years, 23 entries, not too much but it partly has contained a part of my youth, my memory and my thoughts. 3 years, I've been through unforgettable moments that will follow my whole life. I still remember the trice between death and life after the most terrible accident I've ever suffered, at that time the only image appeared in my head was my family, my mom, my dad, their afflictions and I cried, the tears were not because of the fear of death but because of the pains I gave to my parents, images of my mom's blubber and my dad's internal hurt. Luckily, God only put a scar on my chest and gave me a precious lesson about life.
3 years, reading again from the first to the last entry, I realise that each entry has marked a period of my grown up. It was the emotion about the past love, about the one who I love most, about innocent thinkings from initial entries, it also was the comtemplation on life, the direction of my future, Inter, Coldplay and dreams....but it can't be denied that I didn't share everything on it because life is more cruel than I thought and I just want to see the happy pages when i look back at it.
Farewell day, I've got a message from one of my best friends whom I just meet few times in a year but always possesses a special position in my heart. She read all my entries and was touched by my words for her. Actually, 360 blog has brought me more than my imagination before, it became a space to share my mood, a place to get in touch with current friends and to find old friends from elementary and secondary school, a chance for people to know about myself deeply except the good-looking outside and for me to understand more about other's life.
360 closed in the same time with my graduation. It looks like the closing of a chapter in my life and I'm happy for that because it's time to start a new path, new challenges no matter how hard it takes.
The image above called "Go and catch a falling star", if you have dreams, don't linger, just go and we'll see.
Farewell 360!!